Hello, I'm trying to use JABBER_RECEIVE function on my dialplan but the timeout function don't work. This is my dialplan: [google-in] exten => s,1,NoOp( Call from Gtalk ) same => n,SendText(Hola,Como te llamas?) same => n,Set(nombre=${JABBER_RECEIVE(google,${CALLERID(name)},30)}) same => n,SendText(Hola ${nombre}, bienvenido en XYZ) same => n,Set(CALLERID(name)=${nombre}) same => n,Wait(2) same => n,SendText(Espera un momento mientras te comunicamos) same => n,Dial(PJSIP/1000,30) same => n,Hangup() In theory the function have to wait a answer for 30 seconds but don't. Asterisk execute next dialplan line immediately.