Robinson, Paul via llvm-dev
2016-Mar-10 22:42 UTC
[llvm-dev] EuroLLVM BoF: Surviving Downstream
At the US DevMeeting in October, Mike Edwards and I gave a well-attended presentation "Living Downstream Without Drowning." Afterward, we were inundated with questions, spilling over into the evening social hour and more waves appearing the next day; I guess this is a topic that a lot of people are concerned with. ;-) I'm hosting a follow-up BoF session at EuroLLVM (Friday morning). This is not about repeating the talk--although I don't mind talking more, you can see what we already said online (links below). This time it's about YOUR concerns, questions, problems, suggestions, solutions. People are trying everything from big-bang once-per-release merges, to monthly updates, to nightly cron jobs, to fully automated merge bots. (At Sony we've done most of those!) What works? If "it depends" what does it depend on? What causes problems? Where is your "merge pain?" We will have live (and communal) note-taking on an etherpad provided by EuroLLVM, which I hope to have up on-screen during the session. We should have a full 30 minutes for Q&A, discussion, and hopefully leaving you with the warm feeling that you are not alone. For reference, here's the material from the October talk: Slides: Video: See you there! --paulr