This is my first post here.
I'd like to ask for directions in regards to Clang.
This is what I'd like to do:
I'd like to extract function prototypes from a large C++ code base.
I dont need to generate code for any target platform; I just need
function prototypes.
I know I can use ctags, like this:
find ~/sources/cpp-library -name '*.*pp' > files.lst
ctags -x --c++-kinds=pf --language-force=c++ -h .hpp -L files.lst
... but the output is not very convenient, because ctags only does a
textual extraction.
Ideally, I'd like to extract information from the AST so that all
typedefs and template types would be already resolved. Something like this:
class C
double function
double argument
double operator+
double op
Note: any recommendation in regards to typedefs and templates?
My aim is (later!) to do more or less the same with a large Java library
and compare output of these two things, so that I can guarantee that the
Java library implements properly the C++ APIs.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks a lot :)
Richard Gomes
twitter: frgomes
JQuantLib is a library for Quantitative Finance written in Java.
twitter: jquantlib