Hello Listos!
My name is James, but I do a lot of artwork under my nickname,
I am a forty+ yrs old full-time Fine Arts Major, who has spent most of
the previous 25 years or so as a sysadmin and frequent programmer.
Most of my programming experience is with plain old C, with a pretty
good shot of PERL or other shell scripting at frequent intervals.
I discovered ruby about six month ago on deli.cio.us, and I''ll never
go back unless they make me LoL
About two weeks ago I discovered ruby GTK+ and started playing with
that (I''m a long-time user of linux) but then discovered that it
fully supported under windows, which is where I presently need to
deploy product, and so I switched over to the Fox gui toolkit.
It''s wicked; at least as wicked as GTK+.
Unfortunately I''m rather new to the practice of gui programming, if
not the theory; and I am having a bitch of a time getting some
blisteringly simple stuff to work (timer-driven callback to update a
horizontal frame in a tabbook with updated text values).
If someone would be so kind as to point me towards the list digest(s)
I would be delighted to go to and do the requisite research there
before I start verbally pummeling you all for support.
I would like to say on my way out that Ruby is an awesome thing and
thanks to Matz and all the crew who brought it to be.
Thanks In Advance,
==================================Woulds''t thou so blame
the fragrant blos''ms wilting
as never to''ve had her bloom?