Thanks a lot Samuel. I wanted to test the performance of the
Interpreter by running some BLAS routines.
On Apr 25, 2009, at 5:28 PM, Samuel Crow wrote:
> Hello Pushkar,
>> I get the error Could not resolve external global address:
>> __dso_handle
> Based on what I've read on the mailing list in the past, that's
> because the interpreter doesn't support non-bitcode external
> addresses such as the function calls used to do input and output of
> data. As such the interpreter is quite useless in its current state.
> If you use JIT compilation it will work because the JIT compiler
> does support external references such as printf or whatever other
> command you're trying to use to access the operating system you are
> running on.
> I wish I had better news for you.
> --Sam
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