Hello, Ashutosh.
I am not pro here, but recently I made the same work.
1) You have to enable FIXED_POINT flag in your defines, you are right here.
2) Regarding the isolation of SILK and CELT code: I forced the codec to use
SILK-mode only and deleted all the references to the CELT (however, inside
encoder it uses some functions even in silk-mode).
2016-07-21 6:56 GMT+03:00 Ashutosh Pandey <ashp at cypress.com>:
> I need to extract SILK only FIXED POINT code. I have a couple of questions
> in this regard.
> 1. Is it enough to enable compile time flag (FIXED_POINT) in the
> config.h, include silk_fixed library and exclude silk_float in the
> opus_demo project. I am working in the MSVC framework. Anyone has tried
> this before?
> 2. It seems there is no compile time flag to enable SILK only code,
> the core SILK code is invoked at the run time, correct? Obviously, there
> is a way to call SILK only code so it can be used get cycles for the SILK
> only mode, however, I want to separate the SILK only code to get the SILK
> only memory foot print. Has this been done before or if there is a
> cleaner/easier way to do this?
> Thanks for your time.
> Sincerely,
> Ashutosh.
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С уважением,
Миков Александр
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