On 11/16/06, Jan Svitok <jan.svitok at gmail.com>
> On 10/30/06, Chris Collins <chris.collins at fuse.net> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to run Mongrel as a proxy to apache globally. With
> > input needed, all the customer
> > has to do is install there app, and put the proxy commands, in there
> > .htaccess. Is there a way I can
> > do this. I am having great luck running them as a single account.
> Hi,
> I have found your message in my gmails'' spam folder. So, if you
> haven''t received any replies, it might be because your message was
> classified as a spam.
> You may want to repost your message in plain ASCII format (i.e. do not
> use HTML).
> Then, it''s not really clear (at least to me) what are you trying
> achieve: put mongrel in front of apache or the other way round?
> Jano
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I think Chris was looking for a way to run mongrel for multiple sites,
without having to create a new set of mongrel configuration files for each
site the way the mongrel-apache docs seem to advocate.
Wes Sheldahl
Sheldahl Consulting LLC
Phone: 859-338-3349
Fax: 866-387-4484
wes at sheldahlconsulting.com
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