Following some discussion on R-help, I'd like to propose that an as.matrix method be added to those available for ftable objects. The reason for this is that there are a variety of situations where one needs to flatten a 3+ way table, but then use that for analysis as a matrix, not just for pretty-printing. There is an as.table method to turn the result back to a table, but an as.matrix method is missing. > methods(class="ftable") [1]* as.table.ftable* format.ftable* [4] head.ftable* print.ftable tail.ftable* Non-visible functions are asterisked > The function below was proposed by William Dunlop: # as.matrix method for flattened tables # modified from Willaim Dunlop, <wdunlap at>, R-Help, 01-09-2014 as.matrix.ftable <- function(x, sep="_", ...) { makeDimNames <- function(vars) { structure( list(, c(rev(expand.grid(rev(vars))), list(sep=sep)))), names = paste(collapse=sep, names(vars)) ) } structure( unclass(x), dimnames=c(makeDimNames(attr(x, "row.vars")), makeDimNames(attr(x, "col.vars"))), row.vars=NULL, col.vars=NULL) } Some test cases: > UCB <- UCBAdmissions > as.matrix(ftable(Dept ~ Admit + Gender, data=UCB)) Dept Admit_Gender A B C D E F Admitted_Male 512 353 120 138 53 22 Admitted_Female 89 17 202 131 94 24 Rejected_Male 313 207 205 279 138 351 Rejected_Female 19 8 391 244 299 317 > as.matrix(ftable(Dept ~ ., data=UCB)) Dept Admit_Gender A B C D E F Admitted_Male 512 353 120 138 53 22 Admitted_Female 89 17 202 131 94 24 Rejected_Male 313 207 205 279 138 351 Rejected_Female 19 8 391 244 299 317 > as.matrix(ftable(Admit + Gender ~ Dept, data=UCB)) Admit_Gender Dept Admitted_Male Admitted_Female Rejected_Male Rejected_Female A 512 89 313 19 B 353 17 207 8 C 120 202 205 391 D 138 131 279 244 E 53 94 138 299 F 22 24 351 317 > as.matrix(ftable(Admit ~ ., data=UCB)) Admit Gender_Dept Admitted Rejected Male_A 512 313 Male_B 353 207 Male_C 120 205 Male_D 138 279 Male_E 53 138 Male_F 22 351 Female_A 89 19 Female_B 17 8 Female_C 202 391 Female_D 131 244 Female_E 94 299 Female_F 24 317 > Related functions: The vcd package defines a more extensive suite of similar structable functions, including as.matrix.structable; however that function doesn't supply appropriate dimnames for the dimensions. Given as.matrix.ftable(), that is easy to correct: # use as.matrix.ftable, but # need to remove other attributes: dnames, split_vertical library(vcd) as.matrix.structable <- function(x, sep="_", ...) { structure( as.matrix.ftable(x, sep, ...), dnames = NULL, split_vertical = NULL ) } Test: > as.matrix(structable(Gender ~ Admit + Dept, data=UCB)) Gender Admit_Dept Male Female Admitted_A 512 89 Admitted_B 353 17 Admitted_C 120 202 Admitted_D 138 131 Admitted_E 53 94 Admitted_F 22 24 Rejected_A 313 19 Rejected_B 207 8 Rejected_C 205 391 Rejected_D 279 244 Rejected_E 138 299 Rejected_F 351 317 > as.matrix(structable(Gender + Admit ~ Dept, data=UCB)) Gender_Admit Dept Male_Admitted Male_Rejected Female_Admitted Female_Rejected A 512 313 89 19 B 353 207 17 8 C 120 205 202 391 D 138 279 131 244 E 53 138 94 299 F 22 351 24 317 > -- Michael Friendly Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca Professor, Psychology Dept. & Chair, Quantitative Methods York University Voice: 416 736-2100 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814 4700 Keele Street Web: Toronto, ONT M3J 1P3 CANADA