On 02/09/14 19:16, Tom Bishop wrote:> Was wanting to go and kick the openstack tires and was wondering if
> anyone has loaded up the RDO version. Wasn't sure if any of the
> issues that were seen early on have been corrected or what needs to be
> done for installation on a centos 7 host?
I have done an initial install of openstack through RDO, below are my
notes on to get it working through packstack
|Apply the following patches|
* Update the following 2 files|
so that it reads $::operatingsystemmajrelease >= 7 instead of
$::operatingsystemrelease >= 7|
|cp /etc/my.cnf /root/.my.cnf|
And then do "packstack --allinone", and all should be good
Arif Ali
IRC: arif-ali at freenode
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/arifali
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