Hi, I'm looking for remote work related to FreeBSD. It can be either full time or part time job, as well as contract based work. I can work from home in Mongolia and anything related to FreeBSD including system administration, developing codes etc. would be great. I'm FreeBSD src and doc committer and long time FreeBSD user. Since 1998 I've been doing system administration work on FreeBSD servers including installing, updating and configuring various stuffs such as: - Updating FreeBSD from src, building custom kernel, installing and updating ports - Web (apache, nginx, lighttpd), - Database (mysql, postgresql), - Messenger (jabber etc) - Proxy (squid), - DHCP - DNS (bind) - Flow export using netgraph - PPPoE (mpd) - NAT - IDS (snort) - Firewalling (ipfw, pf) - ZFS - Jails - Asterisk, gnu gatekeeper installation and configuration - Hardening FreeBSD etc. For last year and half I've been contributing to src tree, mainly trying to bring FreeBSD support on some ARM boards. As a result of this I was able to write initial codes and necessary drivers to run FreeBSD on some ARM SoC such as Allwinner A10/A20 (Cubieboard 1,2), and Rockchip RK3188 (Radxa Rock board). CV -> http://people.freebsd.org/~ganbold/ganbold_resume.pdf Ganbold