Lito K
2014-Apr-28 06:24 UTC
[Puppet Users] how to perform in puppet: service start - mod config - service restart
Hi everyone, I have the following scenario: I have an app.war file that needs to be expanded in tomcat, this war file creates a new directory at /app/{data,config,profile}. I need to change a file in /app/config/ after the war expansion. I need to restart tomcat to refresh the config update. I tried this sequence: copy app.war in webapps run tomcat, the war expanded change config refresh tomcat In puppet, it becomes: file {"/tmp/app.war": ensure => "present", path => "/tomcat/webapps/app.war", owner => "tomcat", group => "tomcat", before => Service["tomcat"], } service { "tomcat": ensure => "running", enable => true, subscribe => File["/app/config/"], } file {"/app/config/": ensure => "present", source => "/tmp/newconfig/", owner => "tomcat", group => "tomcat", notify => Service["tomcat"], } I keep getting this error: *err: Could not apply complete catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle:* *(File[/app/config/] => Service[tomcat] => File[/app/config/])* *Cycle graph written to /var/lib/puppet/state/graphs/* I was wondering if someone can give me a hint how to solve this dependency cycle issue. My understanding: Tomcat subscribes to config file (meaning it will be refreshed if there's a change in the config file) The config file change, then it notifies tomcat. Tomcat picks up the notification, it then refreshes. I don't see where the cycle happens??? I am fairly new to puppet, so any explanation would help. Many thanks. Puppet client: 2.7.25-2 (from EPEL, latest for CENTOS 6) OS: Redhat 6.4 64bit -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit For more options, visit