Hi, I just picked up Rails and am figuring out using the scriptaculous actionview helper to generate my code. I''m having issues trying to figure out how to keep the following code snippet: <% for exchange in @user.exchanges %> <% current_id = ''exchange_details_'' + exchange.name %> <%= link_to_remote(exchange.name, :url => { :controller => ''exchanges'', :action => :show_user_details, :user_id => @user }, :complete => visual_effect(:toggle_slide, current_id) ) %> <% end %> ... from html-izing the quotes around CSS ID I assigned using current_id. Note what I''m passing through in Effect.toggle() in the generated html code spits out "e; instead of actual quotes: <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Request(''/exchanges/show_user_details?user_id=2'', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request) {Effect.toggle("exchange_details_CME",''slide'',{});}}); return false;">CME</a> Thanks in advance! -Al