At first thought, I think you''re best bet is to add a list item
(onDrop) to
the list making up the sortable, then destroy and re-create the sortable
with that list.
On 7/4/06, Kjell Bublitz
> Hi all..
> I have some sortable lists and i have items that can be added to it ..
> sorta... however.. the items that can be added are draggables outside the
> sortable list, now i would like to make it possible that the collision
> detection works on these aswell..
> i.e. If you move the draggable over a sortable the draggable behaves like
> a sortable so the positioning and serializing is the same.
> (some sort of "onMouseOver/Out Transformation")
> I think i would have to add a mouse event to the sortable list, or attach
> it onDrag and then add the draggable element to the "sortable element
> so that it will be recognized.I think that this is a little tricky because
> i would have to remove the element from the sortable element array if the
> user decides to not drop it on the sortable list.
> Any ideas where to begin? Or is there even a sortable.add() i dont know
> off ???
> best regards,
> Kjell
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