4.5.21 Beta 3 is now available for testing. Changes since Beta 2: 1) The ''shorewall dump'' command now uses ''ss'' rather than ''netstat'' to produce socket-related information. By Martin Gignac. 2) When the ''arp'' utiility is not available, ''shorewall dump'' now uses the sequence: ip neigh ls ip neigh ls proxy Note that the ''ip'' commands do not produce correct output on some distributions (such as Debian 7). 3) Thomas D has provided installer support for Gentoo. Thank you Thomas! Thank you for testing, -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who Shoreline, \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like Washington, USA \ all of the passengers in his car http://shorewall.net \________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIMITED TIME SALE - Full Year of Microsoft Training For Just $49.99! 1,500+ hours of tutorials including VisualStudio 2012, Windows 8, SharePoint 2013, SQL 2012, MVC 4, more. BEST VALUE: New Multi-Library Power Pack includes Mobile, Cloud, Java, and UX Design. Lowest price ever! Ends 9/20/13. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=58041151&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk