Around 17:00, 3/10/2003, Alger Hoi wrote:
>I am a Chinese user. As the Dynafonts I used in Chinese does not have bold
>style, so that fontconfig cannot return a bold font when the application
>request a bold style of the same font (I already added them in alias serif).
You only need to add DFPHeiLight-B5 to the Serif aliases.
>My fc-list of the fonts look like.
>Although they are different ttf, actually the second one is the bold version
>of the first one. Is that any way so that, for example, when a application
>requests a "serif" font in lang zh, return the first one, when it
>a bold "serif" in lang zh, return the second one?
I don''t think you need to specify zh lang in font matching.
Try the following:
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family">
<test name="weight" compare="more">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family">
<test name="weight" compare="more">
<edit name="family" mode="assign">
I use similar settings as above and mine works fine.
Good luck.
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