On Tue, 2007-06-12 at 10:33 +0800, Zhu, Jack wrote:> David & All,
> As you might have heard, Intel recently introduced a new low-power
> device called a Mobile Internet Device (MID). We're working in
> Intel's Open source Technology Center on the Linux Desktop UI. Given
> the small screen we're planning on using a stack-based window manager
> where each application runs full-screen (think Matchbox). We think it
> would be very cool to get a rotation effect like the compiz wm, but
> with a single applications per screen.
> Who can give us some suggestion on our Compiz porting plan and give
> help on my block issues? I am a newer on Compiz, thank you for all
> your help.
> From: Zhu, Jack
> Sent: 2007?6?11? 17:11
> To: Shen, Cathy; Spencer, Bob; Zhang, Danny; Li, Horace; Wei, Donald
> Subject: status of Compiz
> After investing, I tried the following two methods as Bob?s
> suggestions.
> The following is my status:
> Method 1. Just use Matchbox with Compiz feature added.
> Steps:
> 1. Read source code to understand how to use compiz plugins without
> compiz windows manager.
> 2. Write a simple application on FC6, call compiz plugin API, to show
> effections such as cube, 3D. just link plugin .so file, without
> compiz window manager.
> 3. Write two applications, switch to each other, just use compiz
> plugins and gnome default window manager: metacity.
> 4. if 3 success, then most likely solution : Metacity with compiz
> features added can work
> 5 . if 4 success, then most likely, solution: Matchbox with compiz
> features added also can work
> If possible, we can step over 4. direct from 3 to 5.
> Status: still blocked on how to use compiz plugin API in GTK
> programs.
> 1. Without doc, It is difficult to understand how to use compiz
> plugin, API independently, what?s the parameter means, how to use it
> in GTK program.
> 2. Matchbox can add plugins as easily as compiz window manager? Its
> design has not consider extensibility to add different plugins easily.
> Probably need write a adaptor layer to connect matchbox window manager
> and compiz plugin.
> Method 2. Just try to enable Compiz on MID
> Steps:
> 1. Compile Compiz on MID, install some devel libs.
> 2. Run Compiz on MID, install some run time libs
> 3. Compiz window manager can manager hildon-applications, port
> Compiz window manager from Gnome to Hildon desktop, need much efforts.
> 4. Compiz plugins can work, especially on applications switch.
> Status: still blocked on step 2.
> Run error:
> compiz: No GLXFBConfig for default depth, this isn't going to work.
> compiz: Failed to manage screen: 0
> compiz: No manageable screens found on display 0:0
> Root cause:
> 1. Lack some user libs should been installed?
> need yum install more libs: Xorg, dri, drm, glx, xgl? Tried to
> install all these packages with these key words.
> I installed all the packages of xorg/dri/drm/xgl/ same as FC6,
> FC6 can work, but MID can not.
> 2. Lack some kernel modules?
> xgl depends on kernel module drivers: drm.ko and i915.ko, I
> insmod the two modules in MID by hand, Compiz still fails.
> 3. Do not support default depth, default 16 or 24, how to
> support it?
> 4. Need add or modify configure files?
> I add /etc/drirc file as google search?s result. fail
> Modify X11/xorg.conf to add some script to load xgl? fail
> _____________________________________________
> From: Spencer, Bob s
> Sent: 2007?5?25? 10:32
> To: Li, Horace; Zhu, Jack; Wei, Donald
> Subject: Matchbox or Compiz?
> I've been thinking about Compiz vs. Matchbox. I think using Matchbox
> wm is faster than using Compiz, but I'm not convinced that is the
> right thing to do for the long run.
> Pros / Cons
> If we use Matchbox (w/Compiz feature added)
> - We get all matchbox stuff. No change to Hildon
> - Theming works as designed
> - We have to add compiz code
> - End features: we can rotate applications
> If we use Compiz (w/Matchbox feature added)
> - We have to implement all Matchbox features
> - We have to modify Hildon
> - We have to recreate the themes
> - End features:
> - application rotation
> - show all running apps on single screen
> - magnify screen zoom in/out
> - all future compiz features free
> I wonder if Horace can
> - try to get Hildon working on compiz window manager
> - identify all the features that we need to implement in
> Compiz to make it behave like Matchbox.
> - stack-based app
> - dialogs behave correctly
> - theming
> - figure out what Hildon code depends on Matchbox
> - figure out how to make Compiz look like Matchbox
> (configuration files at least)
> - give this information to Jack/Donald.
> What do you guys think?
> Bob
> _______________________________________________
> compiz mailing list
> compiz at lists.freedesktop.org
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/compiz
For your method 2 to work, you shouldn't need Xgl with an Intel graphics
card. You should be able to use AIGLX with Xorg >= 7.1, and it is
usually enabled by default. Also try adding the line:
Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
to the Screen section of xorg.conf.