Sorry for asking such basic questions but I haven''t used iproute or htb
I am using RedHat 7.1 (2.4 kernel) and I want to use HTB3.3 and
Before I make and install iproute do I need to do something with the HTB
files...I can''t find any docs on this
Would appreciate it if someone could give me a few pointers, or point me to
a doc...there''s very little in the LARC Howto.
Thanks in advance
Justin Owens
-----Original Message-----
From: Herman Cremer []
Sent: 15 May 2002 07:58
To: Martin Devera; Anton Yurchenko
Subject: RE: [Fwd: Re: [LARTC] borrowing only from parent]
Question :> > Has anyone ever managed to compile iproute2 from source,
> > running a 2.4.x kernel ?
I have also managed to solve it in another way..
Here is how ...
Solution 1:
Well I have managed to fix the compile error on a kernel 2.4.x
If we have a look at the file, /usr/src/linux/include/linux/if_ether.h
that you get from the different kernels, we notice a change.
On 2.2.x kernel...
#define ETH_P_ECHO 0x0200 /* Ethernet Echo packet */
On 2.4.x kernel...
#define ETH_P_PUP 0x0200 /* Xerox PUP packet */
Q: How to fix it ?
In the directory /lib of the source from the iproute2 tarball,
is a file called, ''ll_proto.c''
In the file, there is an entry ''__PF(ECHO,echo)'' on line
A: Remove this line, and try to compile it again.
Solution 2:
> Using SGL :)
> hvisage@meklon:~$ tar -zxf
> download/iproute2-2.4.7-now-ss020116-try.tar.gz
> hvisage@meklon:~$ cd iproute2/
> hvisage@meklon:~/iproute2$ sed -e "s/UTILS_H/IPROUTE2_UTILS_H/g"
> < include/utils.h > include/iproute2_utils.h
> hvisage@meklon:~/iproute2$ for i in `find . -type f | xargs grep
> utils.h|grep :|cut -f 1 -d :`; do sed -e
> ''s/"utils.h"/"iproute2_utils.h"/''
<$i > $;mv $ $i;done
> hvisage@meklon:~/iproute2$ make
> QED ;^)
> The reason:
> there are a /usr/include/utils.h that get''s included before
> the iproute2/include/utils.h :(
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