I''m not sure if this is the same thing as what the original poster was
but I have a similar issue: there are two ethernet interfaces on a box, and
for HW diagnostic purposes I want to send IP traffic _over the wire_ from one to
the other. In the
normal case, this would be handled via the loopback device and would not go over
the wire (since the internal routing code is smart enough, I believe, to check
local interface addresses). I expect there is a way to do this with policy
and I''ll be looking into it,
but if someone already knows some answers, please share them.
From: Eric Leblond <eric@regit.org>
To: LARTC <LARTC@mailman.ds9a.nl>
Date: 20 Jan 2003 08:58:54 +0100
Le dim 19/01/2003 =E0 17:35, Bernd Rudack a =E9crit :> Hi there,
> in a specal case I want to send IP packets from one IP address to another
> address on the same multihomed linux box. The problem is, that the
> should leave the box by passing one ethernet interface, go through a=20
> hub/switch and get back into the box via the second interface.
> Well, this sounds crazy.
> Anyway, does anyone know a solution?
Use Linux ;-)=20
if the box has the IPs, it kows it and route it internally.
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