>> 2) Why the sarcasm about not wanting to recompile the kernel? I love
>> using Linux, and I have recompiled kernels before. However, in this
>> application it may not be my best choice. You do not know my
>> situation. I tried recompiling the kernel on this machine and had
much >> trouble with the particular SCSI card in that machine. However, I
felt >> this list was limited to routing issues and NOT kernel recompilation
>> issues with a SCSI card.
>If this is a closed binary, you still can recomile the kernel with the
RH >kernel sources. I did this before. I wanted to use a closed source
binary >to access tape drives on my debian server. I used the RH kernel
sources >and the module loaded without any problem.
I had problems with the DPT_I2O if that is what you are talking about.
You just have to remember to add the card''s drivers to
initrd-<kernelver>.img (gzipped ext2 file system).
>> 3) My boss prefers that we stay with the stock RH kernel. If that is
>> not possible then I will recompile, but only if absolutely necessary.
>I''m afraid a recompile is needed.
If the QOS stuff was compiled as a module, you don''t even need to
reinstall the entire system, just the QOS sub-system (not tested with
QOS though). For example, with the kernel sources handy, you can patch
PPP - MPPE into a stock Redhat kernel by just running one of their
scripts. Two files from your existing system are changed, but everything
else is untouched.
My best bet without trying it is:
- Download and install the kernel-source RPM (not SRPM)
- # cp /boot/config-<currentkernel> /usr/src/linux-<version>/.config
This gives you the environment setup more or less how RedHat builds them
with, but without the RPM complexity.
- Edit /usr/src/linux-<version>/Makefile and remove the
''custom'' tag
from the end of extraversion.
- # make menuconfig
Add the module that you need inside here
- # make dep; make modules
If all goes well, you should get to the end of modules without errors.
- Copy the module file that you added to the installation into the
module directory in /lib/modules.
- # depmod
If there are no errors here, you are home free.
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