wrote:> Hi,
> i''ve been trying, for a few days, to migrate from shorewall 2.2.4
> 3.4.2, then 3.4.4
> After reading several times instructions on migration, new manpages and
> features, I can''t figure out why it''s still not working.
> I may have missed something important or completly numb but can''t
> out what as when I run shorewall check, it says to me :
> ...
> Checking Rule Activation...
> Shorewall configuration verified
> but when I run shorewall start, I get :
> ...
> Compiling Rule Activation...
> Shorewall configuration compiled to /var/lib/shorewall/.start
> /var/lib/shorewall/.start: line 1508: syntax error near unexpected token
> /var/lib/shorewall/.start: line 1508: `}''
> After looking at /var/lib/shorewall/.start, the problem seems to be more
> near line 839 which corresponds to my first DNAT rule ..
Sure would be good if you would show us your "first DNAT rule".
There was a problem like this corrected in 3.4.4 but you seem to have
found another one.
> the generated code seems lacking a "done" command :
> .....
> addr=$(find_first_interface_address eth0)
> run_iptables -t nat -N net0_dnat
> for adr in $addr; do
> run_iptables -t nat -A net0_dnat -p tcp --dport 57 -d $adr -j DNAT
> --to-destination
> run_iptables -A net02lan2 -p tcp -d --dport 57 -j ACCEPT
> progress_message " Rule \"DNAT net0 lan2: tcp 57
\" added."
> ^^^^^ shouldn''t there be a "done" here ?
> addr=$(find_first_interface_address eth0)
> for adr in $addr; do
> .....
> I do think about a misconfiguration from my side but as I get no errors,
> I can''t figure it out looks like something is fooling the
> as he doesn''t generate a correct bash script
> Sorry for bothering you with such a silly thing,
I would appreciate it if you would:
a) shorewall show -f capabilities > /etc/shorewall/capabilities
b) Tar up your /etc/shorewall directory and send the tarball to be
Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline, \
Washington USA \
PGP Public Key \
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