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On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 12:53 AM, Chandu80 <> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am working on a microblogging application.(similar to twitter)
> In my controller there is a method called replypopUp.It is a method
> that runs when the reply link on timeline is clicked.When I a click on
> the link a pop-up appears in which there is a text area and a post
> button.Inside the text area,the name of the user to whom I am replying
> should appear in the form ''@username:''
> Now in my controller method I am taking that user''s name using
> @posted_by_name = params[:posted_by]
> In my view my text area looks like this
> <textarea name="message" id="message" maxlength
> style="overflow:auto;width:100%;height:
> 56px
> %=h @posted_by_name %>:</textarea>
> The text within <% %> is the username I am trying to paste by default
> inside the text area
> However when I run the application,I only get" @:" in the text
> area.The name of the user does not appear.
> I have also tried to check using http watch,and I see the url being
> passed correctly,so there is no chance of params[:posted_by] being
> taken as a null value.
> Kindly let me know if my way of displaying the valaue is incorrect.If
> yes how should I display it in my view?
> Thanks in Advance
> Regards
> Chandrika
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