Hi all
I recently started using postgres more and using schemas in postgres
to keep the number of databases under control.
When using schemas in a database and using rails, if two tables have
the same name, the output of rake db:schema:dump is incorrect
Recreating a failing environment, have a database railstest with
public, dev and test schemas:
$>rails test
$>cd test
$>vi database.yml
adapter: postgresql
database: railstest
schema_search_path: dev
encoding: utf8
username: railstest
password: test
host: localhost
# Warning: The database defined as ''test'' will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
adapter: postgresql
database: railstest
schema_search_path: test
encoding: utf8
username: railstest
password: test
host: localhost
adapter: postgresql
database: railstest
encoding: utf8
username: railstest
password: test
host: localhost
$>rake db:sessions:create
$>rake db:migrate
$>rake db:schema:dump
The schema generated a this point is incorrect (look at the add_index lines):
# This file is autogenerated. Instead of editing this file, please use the
# migrations feature of ActiveRecord to incrementally modify your database, and
# then regenerate this schema definition.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 1) do
create_table "sessions", :force => true do |t|
t.column "session_id", :string
t.column "data", :text
t.column "updated_at", :datetime
add_index "sessions", ["session_id",
"session_id"], :name =>
add_index "sessions", ["updated_at",
"updated_at"], :name =>
I tracked this down to postgresqk_adapter.rb in the index method, it
does not differenciate between schemas.
I have a small patch that corrects the problem for me, once the patch
is applied, my schema.rb looks like :
# This file is autogenerated. Instead of editing this file, please use the
# migrations feature of ActiveRecord to incrementally modify your database, and
# then regenerate this schema definition.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 1) do
create_table "sessions", :force => true do |t|
t.column "session_id", :string
t.column "data", :text
t.column "updated_at", :datetime
add_index "sessions", ["session_id"], :name =>
add_index "sessions", ["updated_at"], :name =>
However I have no idea how to write a failing test for this ... :/
The patch is attached (both fulltext and tar.gzipped in case) to this
email. I hope someone with more experience will pick it up and get it
It applies cleanly against both
rev 6891 (which is the last modified rev for this file as I am writing
this email)
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