Keydown should be the event you are looking for...
Event.observe(window, ''keydown'', function(ev) {
var key = (window.event) ? window.event.keyCode : ev.which;
switch(key) {
case Event.KEYUP:
case Event.KEYDOWN:
the window will keep firing this event as long as the key is pressed
so it will keep calling the moveDown-method. If you keep a reference
within your js object to the current selected item, you should be able
to take it from here...
On Nov 13, 1:37 pm, Matt <>
wrote:> Hi all
> I''ve implemented a typeahead/live search widget and currently
> iteration through the dropdown list using the arrow keys.
> At the moment, the selection only moves once each time the arrow
> button is pressed (keydown).
> Is it possible to keep iterating through the items in the dropdown for
> as long as the key is held down?
> Example:
> Many thanks
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