Nevermind. It was related to a CSS declaration that read:
border-style: inset;
So that focus was staying on the submit button after the request was
On Jun 6, 9:30 am, cnantais
wrote:> I have a form that uses Ajax.Updater as it''s onSubmit action. This
> updates a div with search results. When the submit button is clicked,
> it stays down (in the depressed state) well after the Ajax call has
> updated the search results div. Any idea how to make this button
> "unstuck" once the Ajax request completes?
> Here''s the code for the form page:
> <form id="basic_search_form" onsubmit="new
Ajax.Updater(''my_div'', ''/
> transactions/update_my_div'', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
> parameters:Form.serialize(this)}); return false;"
> action="/transactions/update_my_div">
> <input type="submit" value="Search"
> </form>
> <div id="my_div"></div>
> The /transactions/update_my_div controller simply returns "foo"
> I''m using Prototype 1.5.0 and Rails 1.2.3
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