Hi, I am happy to announce that Geppetto 2.2.1 has been released and is available both as ready to run download, and as an update from within Geppetto. If you do not already have Geppetto installed - download it here https://github.com/cloudsmith/geppetto/downloads In release 2.2.1 ===============* Recognition of hiera functions is now included in all puppet targets. * Project specific preference flags are now stored in the project (under .settings) instead of in the workspace metadata. Previously, each new import required turning on the project specific setting, but this is now handled automatically. However, if you have used project specific settings you will need to re-enable them after the update (but now, only this one time). Project specific preferences now also behaves as expected (platform bugs had surprising results regarding what was actually saved). * Malfunction in Auto Save Actions could destroy content (this was released as a hot-fix that you should have received as an automatic update). * The fictional 2.8 target is now replaced with a 3.0.0 target based on the puppet 3.0.0 rc3. If you had 2.8 selected as a target, you will automatically get the new 3.0 target. * General stability fixes, and fixes of spelling/wording errors. See https://github.com/cloudsmith/geppetto/wiki/Release-Notes for more detailed information about fixed Geppetto issues, or go to https://github.com/cloudsmith/geppetto/issues?milestone=14&page=1&state=closed for a list of closed issues. Please see http://cloudsmith.github.com/geppetto/faq.html for information if you run into problems updating. Checkout http://cloudsmith.github.com/geppetto/faq.html#2011/06/28/how-do-i-update if you don''t know how to update. Regards - henrik