Thank you to all of you who took the survey!
I had 28 complete answers, which helped me get an idea of what you expect
of this book. Now I have to seriously get to work on it. I will try to post
updates on tweeter (raphink) as I progress on it.
Don''t hesitate to contact me if you have questions/suggestions. The
book is
open-source (and will be) on github [0], so you can follow/fork it. Patches
are definitely welcome, too!
[0] https://github.com/raphink/Augeas-book
On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Raphaël Pinson <raphink@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> As some of you know, I started to write a book about Augeas[0] a few years
> ago. I have been lacking time to finish it, and I''d like to get
back to it
> and fix priorities to get there quickly.
> For that reason, I''ve set up a quick survey to know what Augeas
> expect of such a book. I am sending this email to both the augeas-devel and
> puppet-users list, since most of our users are currently Puppet users.
> Please feel free to pass this survey on if you know other people who might
> be interested in such a book.
> The survey can be taken on http://raphink.limequery.org/66916/lang-en
> Thank you.
> Raphaël
> [0] https://github.com/raphink/Augeas-book
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