Hey All,
I have a puppetd.rb script that ultimately triggers a puppetd call back to
my server. I have a LaunchDaemon that triggers this script every hour.
Here''s what the call looks like in my manifest:
file { "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.huronhs.puppetconfig.plist":
owner => root,
group => wheel,
mode => 644,
source => "puppet:///files/com.huronhs.puppetconfig.plist",
ensure => present,
} # End of File
> service { "com.huronhs.puppetconfig":
enable => true,
ensure => running,
subscribe =>
require =>
} # End of Service
As you can see, I have a subscribe in the service call that will
unload and load the LaunchDaemon. The PROBLEM comes in if the
LaunchDaemon ITSELF is calling the script that calls puppet. Puppet
tries to reload the LaunchDaemon and kills it mid-run (if I understand
correctly; it exits with a status of 1). The new LaunchDaemon doesn''t
get loaded because the Puppet-calling script (puppetd.rb) is killed
when the LaunchDaemon is killed. This leaves my systems WITHOUT a
LaunchDaemon to call puppet, and the machine doesn''t checkin again
unless the new LaunchDaemon is loaded manually.
My question - is there a way, programmatically, around this?
Gary Larizza
Director of Technology
Huron City Schools
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