On 04/23/10 15:55, ed-rfmd wrote:
> $boot_time = generate(''/usr/bin/env'',
''/bin/date'', ''+%H:%m'')
> notice("boot_time => $boot_time")
> $boot_hour =
> notice("w newline - boot_hour => |$boot_hour|")
> $boot_hour_1 =
> notice("w/o newline - boot_hour_1 => |$boot_hour_1|")
> And the lines from the messages file:
> (Scope(Class[main])) boot_time => 09:04
> (Scope(Class[main])) w newline - boot_hour => |09|
> (Scope(Class[main])) w/o newline - boot_hour_1 => |09 |
> What I don''t understand is that in the first setting of the
> the trailing new line is specified in the regsubst pattern but is not
> included in the resulting variable. In the second case, the new line
> is not specified but is part of the resulting variable. In neither
> case is the new line in the capture group. I would think that the
> capture would include only the characters specified in the group, i.e.
> one or more digits before a colon.
The return value from regsubst() is not just the matching part of the
original string, but the *entire* original string with the substition
performed. For example, regsubst("bananas", "(n)",
"!", "G") will
return "ba!a!as", even though neither "ba" nor
"as" matches "(n)".
*Since* the newline in your example isn''t matched by the second
regexp, it will not be replaced, and thus be left alone and be part
of the return value.
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