On Feb 3, 2009, at 1:50 PM, Alban Peignier wrote:
> Hi all,
> This "Gepetto" is the irc bot of #puppet. This Gepetto is a tool
> make
> easier puppet development ;)
> In fact, nothing very special. I''m a rails developper and a puppet
> user.
> I created several pieces of code to puppet development easier or
> "rails-like".
> I''m trying to extract and regroup these scripts, rake tasks, etc
> in
> a dedicated project named Gepetto :
> http://github.com/albanpeignier/gepetto/tree/master
> For the moment, Gepetto can :
> * create a puppet projet with a base file organisation
> * manage a development puppetmasterd (running in the "current"
> directory)
> * generate a new module
> * install module (to be improved)
> * check syntax
> * create and start a sandbox, a small vm with a ready puppetd, to test
> our puppet "code"
> I wrote a long post and recorded a screencast to explain first steps
> with Gepetto :
As I think I''ve mentioned on IRC, I haven''t had a chance to
try this
out, but I love that you''ve built it, and I hope others start using
it. I took a crack at it myself[1] but didn''t make the progress I
I''d really like your project to progress to the point where we can
point to it as the preferred installation solution for Puppet.
1 - https://github.com/lak/puppet_site/tree
Barrow''s first law:
Any Universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to
a mind able to understand it.
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com
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