On Apr 4, 3:07 pm, "Evan Hisey" <ehi...@gmail.com>
wrote:> The more I learn the less so things make sense. What exactly is the
> difference between including a class and inheriting a class? They seem
> to basicly provide the same function. I have looked over this in both
> James book and teh puppet website, but I am not getting any clearer on
> the difference and in fact may be getting less clear. OOP is not my
> forte.
You can only override parameters with inheritance. Consider the
class parent {
file { "/tmp/file": ensure => present, mode => 0600, }
class child {
File["/tmp/file"] { mode => 755, }
include parent, child
Class child cannot override File["/tmp/file"]''s permissions
Instead, do this (parent as above)
class child inherits parent {
File["/tmp/file"] { mode => 755, }
include child
Note parent does not need to be included, since it is inherited.
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