I have been using Ogg Vorbis (and Flac) exclusively since I became aware of
the patent issues surrounding all the other formats and have become very
impressed by the flexibility of Ogg. Not being much of a programmer myself, I
rely on existing applications to tag my ogg-files but have so far not found a
program to change or enter a non-standard tag en masse. For example, I'd
to enter a tag like this "DownloadedFrom=http://prc.julipan.org" into
all the
music that is shared through our forum. There are some applications that do
this for a single file at the time, like Audio Tag Tool
(http://pwp.netcabo.pt/paol/tagtool/), but this is unpractical for tagging
hundreds of files. I have also tried using the commandline-tool
"lltag", but
so far without results.
Seeing that Ogg supports any tag I can think of, I'd like to be able to use
this feature but I'm out of applications to try... Can anyone enlighten this
issue for me? I use Ubuntu Dapper and will avvoid proprietary programs
whenever possible..