Martin Margo wrote:>
> I am trying to get my small cluster of Ia64 machines running Lustre. I
> downloaded the original lustre sourcecode (v1.0.4) from the webpage and
> uses the suse-2.4.21-2 series patches. I am running a 2.4.21_144
> kernel, almost vanilla with the exception of web100 patch.
> when I patch my kernel source, it complains about some of the things
> which I could managed, the only outstanding issue is with tcp.c which
> is modified by tcp_zero_copy patch. The kernel source looks so
> different than the patch which hinder me from a running lustre kernel.
> Could you help? Thanks in advance.
This is normally not something with which we can help without a support
contract, because it takes a lot of effort to generate and maintain a
kernel patch.
This time, however, you might be in luck -- because someone else just
asked us to generate a very similar patch, which I have attached. Give
it a try, it just might apply.
Good luck--