Jordan K. Hubbard
1999-Feb-06 04:37 UTC
Guido van Rooij resigns from core team and security officer post.
This is just a short note to let people know that Guido van Rooij, long a core member and senior security officer for the project, is resigning those duties in favor of a more relaxed, less time-intensive role with the project. We in the core team are all as sad to see Guido go as Guido is to leave, and this is purely a matter of scheduling for him, not the result of any sort of internal conflict. Guido simply no longer feels that he has the time available to make the kind of contribution he wishes to make as a core member and security officer and would rather step down entirely from those roles than to contribute less than he's comfortable with. We respect this and have already run through the list of possible alternative scenarios with Guido, this being the one he's most comfortable with. Guido is not leaving the project entirely by any means and will still continue to try and contribute where he can, simply longer at his current pace. Please join me in wishing Guido the best of luck in his return to the real world and hopefully a functional social life once again! - Jordan This is the moderated mailing list freebsd-announce. The list contains announcements of new FreeBSD capabilities, important events and project milestones. See also the FreeBSD Web pages at To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-announce" in the body of the message