At BSDCon, Daemon News unveiled its first copy of their print edition. So far the demand for the magazine has been pretty good. Now, we are trying to put Daemon News into a regular printing schedule. In order to do this, we need some information from the community. We need to guage how many people will be willing to subscribe to a magazine and how much they will be willing to pay. These answers will help us determine whether we can print a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly magazine and how many copies to print. Please take a minute to fill out a very short questionnaire and help us get DN into print. Chris Coleman Daemon News Bringing BSD together This is the moderated mailing list freebsd-announce. The list contains announcements of new FreeBSD capabilities, important events and project milestones. See also the FreeBSD Web pages at To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-announce" in the body of the message