On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 11:21:17AM -0400, Joey Boggs
wrote:> Puts active detected devices into a hash which is then validated against
using a new prompt_for_interface function. Also cleans up the redundant
variables and commands that pull the ip addresses for the interfaces which we
now have in interfaces{}
> ---
> installer/bin/ovirt-installer | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
> 1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/installer/bin/ovirt-installer b/installer/bin/ovirt-installer
> index 28b269c..c534f3d 100755
> --- a/installer/bin/ovirt-installer
> +++ b/installer/bin/ovirt-installer
> @@ -62,6 +62,16 @@ def prompt_for_password(prompt, confirm)
> end
> end
> +def prompt_for_interface(prompt, interfaces, options={})
> + loop do
> + nic = prompt_for_answer(prompt,options)
> + if interfaces.has_key?(nic)
> + return nic
> + end
> + @cli.say("Please pick an active device from the list")
> + end
> +end
> +
> # Allow a user to enter a Yes/No
> # And repeat the prompt until they do
> def prompt_yes_no(prompt, options={})
> @@ -141,20 +151,23 @@ if dev_ct == 0
> exit
> else
> puts ""
> - @cli.say("Below are the detected networking devices\n\n")
> + @cli.say("Below are the active networking devices, if there are
any missing devices\n\n")
> + @cli.say("ensure they are active and have an ip address before
running the installer")
> @cli.say("mac address interface ip
> + interfaces = {}
> net_devs.each_line do |dev|
> dev = dev.chomp
> interface = `hal-get-property --udi #{dev} --key net.interface`
> mac = `hal-get-property --udi #{dev} --key net.address`
> ip = `ifconfig #{interface}`
> ipaddr = ip.scan(/\s*inet addr:([\d.]+)/)
> - puts (mac.chop + " : " + interface.chop + "
: " + ipaddr.to_s) if interface.chop != "lo"
> + interfaces[interface.chop] = ipaddr.to_s if interface.chop !=
> + puts (mac.chop + " : " + interface.chop + "
: " + ipaddr.to_s) if interface.chop != "lo" and ipaddr.to_s
!= ""
> end
> end
> -guest_httpd_dev = prompt_for_answer("Enter the interface for the
Guest network:", :default => "eth0")
> -admin_dev = prompt_for_answer("Enter the interface for the Admin
network (this may be the same as the Guest network interface):", :default
=> "eth0")
> +guest_httpd_dev = prompt_for_interface("Enter the interface for the
Guest network:", interfaces, :default => "eth0")
> +admin_dev = prompt_for_interface("Enter the interface for the Admin
network (this may be the same as the Guest network interface):",
interfaces, :default => "eth0")
> #FIXME: correctly configure separate networks.
> #For now, define admin and guest networks to be the same
> @@ -172,12 +185,9 @@ File.open('/etc/resolv.conf').each_line{
> }
> dns_servers = prompt_yes_no("Use this systems's dns
> -guest_httpd_ip = `ifconfig #{guest_httpd_dev}`
> -guest_httpd_ipaddr = guest_httpd_ip.scan(/\s*inet addr:([\d.]+)/)
> -guest_ip = `ifconfig #{guest_dev}`
> -guest_ipaddr = guest_ip.scan(/\s*inet addr:([\d.]+)/)
> -admin_ip = `ifconfig #{admin_dev}`
> -admin_ipaddr = admin_ip.scan(/\s*inet addr:([\d.]+)/)
> +guest_httpd_ipaddr = interfaces[guest_httpd_dev]
> +guest_ipaddr = interfaces[guest_dev]
> +admin_ipaddr = interfaces[admin_dev]
> if dns_servers == "y"
> guest_ipaddr_lookup = Socket.getaddrinfo(guest_ipaddr.to_s,nil)
Yes, we need this. ACK.