Just noticed that pre-built appliance spits this on shutdown: Shutting down interface eth0: Device eth0 has MAC address 52:54:00:2D:FC:71, instead of configured address 00:16:3E:3F:30:A3. Ignoring. [FAILED] Shutting down interface eth1: Device eth1 has MAC address 52:54:00:7C:66:68, instead of configured address 00:16:3E:46:1B:42. Ignoring. [FAILED] This is b/c redefined domain got different random MACs from what it had written at install time in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* Due to incomplete check in ifup-eth, luckily network starts fine, but we need to address this by either shipping domain XML containing all original MACs or removing HWADDR from ifcfg-eth* before packaging. Any other ideas?