2003-Dec-08 16:08 UTC
[Rd] documentation fix - strwrap.Rd (cvs) (PR#5606)
Here is a patch for a garbled sentence in strwrap.Rd regards -- Brian Gough Network Theory Ltd -- Publishing Free Software Manuals 15 Royal Park Bristol BS8 3AL United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)117 3179309 Fax: +44 (0)117 9048108 Web: Index: strwrap.Rd ==================================================================RCS file: /cvs/R/src/library/base/man/strwrap.Rd,v retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -r1.2 strwrap.Rd *** strwrap.Rd 2003/07/08 00:20:19 1.2 --- strwrap.Rd 2003/12/08 15:08:11 *************** *** 30,37 **** } \details{ Whitespace in the input is destroyed. Double spaces after periods ! (thought as representing sentence ends) are preserved. Currently, it ! possible sentence ends at line breaks are not considerd specially. Indentation is relative to the number of characters in the prefix string. --- 30,37 ---- } \details{ Whitespace in the input is destroyed. Double spaces after periods ! (representing sentence ends) are preserved. Currently, sentence ! ends at line breaks are not considered specially. Indentation is relative to the number of characters in the prefix string.