xiehb at mail.kiz.ac.cn
2009-May-24 08:25 UTC
[Rd] utf8towcs -- margin is too wide for a plot (PR#13716)
Full_Name: Haibing Xie Version: 2.9.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) (>a=seq(1:10); >plot(a);Then I narrowed down the plot window, and got an error message. It always repeated that error when doing the same operation. Because it was given in Chinese and I never installed the English version, I cannot give the exact error messge. The error message contains the word "utf8towcs", and it was complaining about the marginal region is too wide for the plot. More badly, Alt+Ctrl+Del press is needed to move mouse into the screen region outside RGui. After the error, RGui cannot be resized anymore unless R is restarted.