Full_Name: Ming-Chung Li
Version: 2.4.0
OS: windows xp
Submission from: (NULL) (
My pc has 1gb physical ram and 1.5gb virtual memory. The write.matrix() function
in MASS library gives an error when I try it to output a large matrix to a file.
Please see the follwing code to reproduce the problem. The problem also happends
in R 2.3.1 too. The write.table() does not have any error. Thanks,
> x <- matrix(rnorm(100000*300), 100000, 300)
> library(MASS)
> gc()
used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
Ncells 247519 6.7 467875 12.5 453068 12.1
Vcells 30107442 229.8 90360081 689.4 90227465 688.4> write.matrix(x, file = "c:/temp/temp.txt")
Error in .Call("R_lazyLoadDBfetch", key, file, compressed, hook,
") :
recursive default argument reference>