It would be easy to add 'yaxs' support to bxp(), which can aid visual comparison when the lower limit is zero. The two lines from boxplot.R that would change are: plot.window(ylim=c(0.5,n+0.5), xlim=ylim, log=log) to plot.window(ylim=c(0.5,n+0.5), xlim=ylim, xaxs=pars$yaxs, log=log) and plot.window(xlim=c(0.5,n+0.5), ylim=ylim, log=log) to plot.window(xlim=c(0.5,n+0.5), ylim=ylim, yaxs=pars$yaxs, log=log) Boxplots already respond to a global par(yaxs="i"), and I think users would appreciate support for the local graphical parameter as well. Thanks, Arni R 2.1.1-patched on WinXP