2004-Sep-03 10:18 UTC
[Rd] * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING Error in .tryQuietly({
Hi! In the R directory of the package I have several files. This is because i defined several classes and I like to store each class in separate file. There is a inheritance defined between those classes. eg calibrestat (defined in file calibrestat.R) extends (contains) calibstat (defined in file calibstat.R) While running R CMD check on package I get the following platform (windows/linux) and version (2.0/1.9.1) idependent error. * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in methodsPackageMetaName("C", name) : The name of the object (e.g,. a class or generic function) to find in the meta-data must be a single string (got an object of class "NULL") Was trying then to point it down and observed the following. A) If I remove all files except calibstat.R where the superclass is defined * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK B) If I append the content of calibrestat.R >> calibstat.R then * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK So it seems the error are because R dont knows how to build the package - in which order to append the files. My questions. 0) Is it something totally different that I think? 1) Is there a way to tell R in which order to merge the files (build(?) the package) (eg. by naming the file a_calibstat.R - b_calibrestat.R - to indicicate in which order should they be loaded.) I think that this is solution with which I can live with. 2) Is it intended to implement in future versions mechanisms which automatically will resolve the class dependencies? 3) Or have I to put all the classes in one file by hand and think about it as one of the many features by which R supports package development? Yours Eryk.