I just pushed a new wxruby-swig, which includes the known MSWin rakefile changes. It also has some significant internal improvements that will make it easier to add classes, and it includes support for one new class (wxEvent). wxruby-swig is now licensed under the "MIT license". wxRuby will remain under the wxWindows license as long as we are releasing the old code base. When we officially switch to the new swig-based code, the wxruby-swig license will apply. Kevin
Kevin Smith wrote:> > I just pushed a new wxruby-swig, which includes the known MSWin rakefile > changes. It also has some significant internal improvements that will > make it easier to add classes, and it includes support for one new class > (wxEvent).Here is a snippet from my build log of wxRuby 0.3.0 (to show the compiler options being used): cl /MDd -Zi -O2b2xg- -G6 -IE:\Dev\RubyDev\wx/include -IE:\Dev\RubyDev\wx /lib/mswd -DSTRICT -DWIN32 -D__WIN32__ -D_WINDOWS -DWINVER=0x0400 /D__WIN95__ / D__WXMSW__ /D__WINDOWS__ -D__WXMSW__ -D_DEBUG -D__WXDEBUG__ -DWXDEBUG=1 -I. -Ic: /ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mswin32 -Ic:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mswin32 -I. -I. -I. /.. -I./../missing -c -Tpwx.cpp The wxRuby-swig compiler options look the same. Below is the console log showing the error that I get now. I''m not going to be able to work on this tonight as I have other commitments. Curt E:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wxruby-swig\wxruby-swig-0.0.7>ruby c:\ruby\bin\rake.rb (in E:/Dev/RubyDev/wxruby/wxruby-swig/wxruby-swig-0.0.7) cl.exe -c -IE:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wx/include /D__WXMSW__ -D__WXMSW__ -IE:\Dev\Ru byDev\wxruby\wx/lib/mswd /MDd -Zi -O2b2xg- -G6 -DSTRICT -DWIN32 -D__WIN32__ -D_ WINDOWS /D__WINDOWS__ -DWINVER=0x0400 /D__WIN95__ -D_DEBUG -D__WXDEBUG__ -DWXDEB UG=1 -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8 -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i386- msvcrt -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8 -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby /1.8/i386-mswin32 -I . -o obj/wx.obj src/wx.cpp Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 13.10.3077 for 80x86 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1984-2002. All rights reserved. wx.cpp E:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wx\include\wx\intl.h(37) : warning C4005: ''_'' : macro rede finition c:\ruby\lib\ruby\1.8\i386-mswin32\defines.h(26) : see previous definitio n of ''_'' E:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wx\include\wx\thread.h(447) : error C2062: type ''void'' une xpected E:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wx\include\wx\thread.h(447) : error C2238: unexpected toke n(s) preceding '';'' E:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wx\include\wx\msw\toplevel.h(96) : error C2059: syntax err or : ''constant'' E:\DevTools\VS2003\Vc7\include\ostream(574) : warning C4530: C++ exception handl er used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc E:\DevTools\VS2003\Vc7\include\ostream(604) : fatal error C1903: unable to recov er from previous error(s); stopping compilation Exception `RuntimeError'' at c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rake.rb:358 - Command Failed: [cl.exe -c -IE:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wx/include /D__WXMSW__ -D__WXMSW__ - IE:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wx/lib/mswd /MDd -Zi -O2b2xg- -G6 -DSTRICT -DWIN32 -D__W IN32__ -D_WINDOWS /D__WINDOWS__ -DWINVER=0x0400 /D__WIN95__ -D_DEBUG -D__WXDEBUG __ -DWXDEBUG=1 -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8 -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby /1.8/i386-msvcrt -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8 -I c:/rub y/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mswin32 -I rake aborted! Command Failed: [cl.exe -c -IE:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wx/include /D__WXMSW__ -D__WX MSW__ -IE:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wx/lib/mswd /MDd -Zi -O2b2xg- -G6 -DSTRICT -DWIN3 2 -D__WIN32__ -D_WINDOWS /D__WINDOWS__ -DWINVER=0x0400 /D__WIN95__ -D_DEBUG -D__ WXDEBUG__ -DWXDEBUG=1 -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8 -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/si te_ruby/1.8/i386-msvcrt -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8 -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mswin32 -I . -o obj/wx.obj src/wx.cpp ] E:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\wxruby-swig\wxruby-swig-0.0.7>