Roy Sutton wrote:> Hopefully a good listbook.rb patch
Sadly, no.
kevins@aria:~/work/wxruby2$ patch -p1 </download/patches/listbook.rb.patch
missing header for unified diff at line 3 of patch
patching file samples/listbook/listbook.rb
Hunk #1 FAILED at 64.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 84.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 111.
3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
Looking at the patch itself, I have a couple comments/questions/concerns:
> --- wxruby2/samples/listbook/listbook.rb 2005-08-19 20:35:00.000000000
> +++ listbook.rb 2005-08-21 12:29:40.518958400 -0400
> @@ -64,15 +64,15 @@
> evt_button(Wx::xrcid(''ID_PIZZA_BUTTON'')) do |event|
> #get selections and add to order
> order_string = @text_output.get_value
> - if order_string != "" then order_string <<
"\n" end
> + if order_string != "" then order_string = "\n"
This seems like a confusing way to do this. Could we instead say:
if @text_output.get_value.length == 0
order_string = ""
order_string = "\n"
Or even better, could we just always append a blank line at the end of
the order string, instead of conditionally adding it at the beginning?
> - @pizza_toppings.each { |obj| order_string <<
obj.get_string_selection + "\n" }
> + @pizza_toppings.each { |obj| order_string <<
obj.get_string_selection + "\n" unless obj.get_string_selection ==
"" }
Personal bias on my part, but I *hate* the "unless" keyword. I always
find it incredibly jarring, since mentally I have already executed the
first part, and then find out that it was conditional.
I certainly won''t reject the patch because of the unless, because
in a sample. But I probably will reject any unless''s in the core