The attached fixes set_item_data, get_item_data and some other methods
for the TreeCtrl so they work nicely with Ruby objects and GC.
In C++ Wx TreeCtrl item_data works differently from client_data in
classes derived from ControlWithItems (eg Choice, ListCtrl). A
one-to-one mapping of the way TreeCtrl works would mean that you would
have to derive a class from TreeItemData, and instantiate one of this
container class each time you wanted to associate a Ruby object with a
tree item.
This seems very clumsy in Ruby, so I''ve used typemaps so that you can
simply pass any Ruby object to a method that adds a tree item, or to
set_item_data, and later call get_item_data to get the object back
directly. The doc patch reflects this.
This means the whole TreeItemData class is not exposed at all in Ruby. I
think this is the right way to go, but let me know if it sounds wrong
and there''s situations where Ruby code might want this. This is similar
to, but not the same as the way wxPython and wxPerl deal with this.
I''m going to go back to the other ControlWithItems classes and add
item_data support to them along the model of wxChoice. I think it is
weird that methods that get data from an item in these classes are
called get_CLIENT_data, and now the way they work will be consistent
across TreeCtrl, Choice, ComboBox etc I plan to rename get_client_data
to get_item_data. Again, shout if you think this is wrong.
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Name: treectrl_itemdata.patch