On Sun, 10 May 2009 14:37:56 +0100
Steven Williamson <steven43126 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> If I have 2 switches already using RSTP with only a single link between
> them. Then add a redundant link using a Linux bridge with STP turned off.
> Will the Linux bridging code forward the RSTP BPDU's so the other
> realize there is a new path to the root bridge, and hopefully block one of
> the ports ?
> The exact secnario is an ethernet segment spanning 2 datacenter's via a
> fibre link. We'd like to add redundancy using a linux bridge (bridging
to a
> VPN tap device and routing over the net) but have since discoverd the Linux
> code does not support RSTP yet.
> p.s
> Many thanks to the developers of the Linux briding code!
> Regards
> Steven Williamson.
Turn on STP in Linux bridge in your case. Otherwise Linux bridge will
eat the RSTP BPDU's