2007/9/20, Daniel Berger <djberg96 at gmail.com>:>
> Any ideas folks?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Kay <serphakay at hotmail.com>
> Date: Sep 19, 2007 10:52 AM
> Subject: win32-service of win32utils
> To: djberg96 at gmail.com
> I''m writing some scripts to programmatically change the user
> of running a windows service. So I downloaded one of the windows
> utilities, win32-service, and wrote my scripts. However when I was
> trying to use the following scripts to change the name of the account
> of running a windows service
> s.configure_service{ |s|
> s.start_name = "name of the account"
> s.password = "password" # Note that I used plain text password
> }
> I was always given some kinds of error messages, which varied based on
> different formats of the account name being used. So
> with start_name = "domain_name\user_name" (using \ for escaping
> have tried domain_name with either upper case or lower case), the
> message is "the parameter is incorrect".
> with start_name = "domain_name\user_name" (have tried domain_name
> either upper case or lower case), the message is "the account name is
> invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account
> name specified".
> with start_name = "user_name at domain_name.com", the message is
" the
> parameter is incorrect".
> with start_name = "user_name at another_domain_name.com",
> (another_domain_name is a possible domain name for me), the message is
> "the specified domain either does not exist or could not be
> contacted".
> with start_name = "user_name", the message is "the account
name is
> invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account
> name specified".
> So I''m writing to ask for your suggestions. BTW, do you think
> right to use password in plain text? Your help is very appreciated.
> The following is a full script I was using.
> base = File.basename(Dir.pwd)
> if base == "examples" || base =~ /win32-service/
> require "ftools"
> Dir.chdir("..") if base == "examples"
> Dir.mkdir("win32") unless File.exists?("win32")
> File.copy("service.so","win32")
> $LOAD_PATH.unshift Dir.pwd
> end
> require "win32/service"
> include Win32
> s = Service.new("machine_name")
> # Create a new service
> if Service.exists?("foo")
> Service.delete("foo")
> end
> s.create_service{ |s|
> s.service_name = "foo"
> s.binary_path_name >
> s.display_name = "My Foo Service"
> }
> # Configure a service that already exists
> s.configure_service{ |s|
> s.start_name = "start_name"
> s.password = "password"
> }
> s.close
> Service.start("foo")
> Service.pause("foo")
> Service.resume("foo")
> Service.stop("foo")
> Service.delete("foo")
> Service.getdisplayname("Schedule") # "Task Scheduler"
> Service.getservicename("ClipBook") # "ClipSrv"
> s = Service.status("ClipSrv")
> # Enumerate over all services, inspecting each struct
> Service.services{ |s|
> p s
> puts
> }
> Thanks!
I guess it is due to the "\" character escaping.
start_name = "domain_name\user_name"
should be
start_name = "domain_name\\user_name"
start_name = ''domain_name\user_name''
Park Heesob
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