After more than one hour of countless tries, I ask myself a simple question :
On what items are plugins supposed to execute ?
I''ve tried to create a filelist plugin which, for a page, displays all
file in the same directory (a rather old school view of website, where
each directory contains an entry point).
But, whatever I try, my plugin code is never invoked, and my page
content is never transformed.
Here is my page
title: Tout le dump
inMenu: true
And here is my plugin
# Generates a sitemap. The sitemap contains the hierarchy of all pages
on the web site.
class FileListTag < Tags::DefaultTag
:name => ''Custom/FileList'',
:author => "Nicolas Delsaux",
:summary => ''Shows all page files in the directory of the current
register_tag ''filelist''
def process_tag( tag, chain )
return "Hello World"
So, in my output folder, {filelist should be replaced by Hello world, no ?
But {filelist} remains totally unchanged.
Is it normal ?
Nicolas Delsaux
N''imprimez ce mail que si vous ne savez pas le lire sur
l''?cran : les
?lectrons se recyclent bien, le papier, beaucoup moins bien.