I''d call it a bug, but I think in RedCloth 3.0.4 it''s a
That version was trying to be compatible with both Textile and
Markdown. Indenting a block of code is a Markdown style.
RedCloth 4.0 should be better.
On Nov 23, 2007, at 9:02 AM, Daniel Nogues wrote:
> I maintain a web application frozen to version Ruby 1.8.6 and
> RedCloth 3.0.4
> Whenever I insert a newline followed by a white space,
> SuperRedCloth, wraps the text with <pre><code> tags.
> Say for example I write
> ###############
> Hi
> This is me
> ###############
> This piece of text gets translated to
> <p>Hi</p><pre><code>This is
> rather than
> <p>Hi</p><p>This is me</p>
> This doesn''t correspond to the specifications of Textile as shown
> on the link below
> http://hobix.com/textile/
> Is this a bug of RedCloth version 3.0.4?
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