Juri Rischel Jensen wrote:> Hi,
> As RijilV pointed out in http://mail.madstop.com/pipermail/puppet-
> users/2006-October/000541.html there may be af bug in the import code
> of 0.20.0: I noticed the same thing about schedules as he has, and I
> bumped into one more: Type defaults set in a file that gets imported
> by site.pp yanks a similar error. Moving the code into site.pp
> removes the error message.
I''ve confirmed this bug and will have a fix as soon as possible. In
meantime, it''s quite easy to work around it -- just move the code into
class and include that class. For instance, the following code works
just fine:
# site.pp
import "/tmp/other.pp"
include yay
# /tmp/other.pp
class yay {
file { "/tmp/yay": content => "testing" }
I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth, and they thought
it was hell. -- Harry S Truman
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com