On Wednesday 09 September 2009 12:32:51 pm Vincent Hoffman
wrote:> Hi all,
> I've been running the 8.0-BETAs in a xen virtual machine
> (hvm/fully virtualised) for testing and something between r196730 and
> r196746 causes a general protection fault on boot. I'll try and narrow
> it down if i get a chance but I'm a a bit busy at the moment.
> backtrace is available at
> http://unsane.co.uk/~jhary/freebsd/GPF-09-09-09.gif
> Xen dom0 is a centos5.3 box using the xen-3.3.1 rpms from
> http://www.gitco.de/linux/i386/centos/5/rpms/ if thats of any use.
> Let me know if I need to provide any more info.
Hmm, can you try reverting 196737? Or actually, can you print out the value
of %ebx ('p $ebx' in ddb will work I think)? I wonder if this patch
fix it:
Index: pmap.c
==================================================================--- pmap.c
(revision 196974)
+++ pmap.c (working copy)
@@ -999,7 +999,7 @@
* coherence domain.
- for (; sva < eva; sva += cpu_clflush_line_size)
+ for (; sva <= eva; sva += cpu_clflush_line_size)
} else {
John Baldwin